Playing by the rules

Other People's Data has the option to provide you with a database of new potential clients anywhere in the UK that is fully GDPR compliant. When you are ready to target new businesses whether it be on a monthly or quarterly basis please let us know as we are keen for your business to grow.

Our GDPR services

Other Peoples Data are here to help regardless as to whether you have had a breach/ICO Fine or not.

GDPR Policy Creation

Other People's Data helps to create company GDPR Policies which are now a legal requirement and policed by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
All companies are required to adhere to the new changes in the Data Protection regulations. If you have any doubts, call us to arrange a free assessment

Personally Touch

Other People's Data will create a policy designed for your company with a true summary of how you secure your customer’s information. We take the time to think outside the normal way a breach could potentially happen to your company.

Privacy Policy

Other Peoples Data can advise you on how to use the ICO Privacy Notice Template.
Alternatively, we can also complete it on your behalf or review your completed copy.

Data Transfer

Other Peoples Data can transfer your data from paper documents to electronic files that can be stored safely in the Cloud.
We can arrange the storage for you or we can upload the information to your internal system. We are happy to do either!

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